How might we collectively envision equitable and functional communal spaces in a co-op housing development?

The Pilsen Housing Cooperative (PIHCO) is a scattered-site housing cooperative for long-time residents of Pilsen that aims to combat gentrification and displacement while expanding home ownership. We partnered with PIHCO to envision communal spaces at the organization’s Morgan Residence in the Pilsen neighborhood.


The project began with the documentation of existing common areas. Working alongside residents, our team led two visioning workshops to understand desires and requirements for shared spaces. Using feedback and information gathered at these workshops, we discovered that residents wanted shared spaces to be bright, organized, and interconnected. Creating vibrancy, promoting cleanliness, and encouraging interaction were the collective goals heard from residents. 


We developed a cohesive plan for the program of communal spaces, which included the renovation and reimagining of the existing attic space, interior shared stair, and front yard.

In the attic, it was recommended to add design elements that brightened the space—including open shelving, vibrant paint, and bright carpet—while increasing accessibility by replacing the existing railing with a more secure and accessible alternate. At the landing of the interior shared stair, we recommended adding a community bulletin to increase communication and connectedness between residents by sharing events and updates. 


Community Partner